5 Reasons to Send Your Crane Service Technician for Training

Does your organization own one of our cranes or hoists and do you inspect or repair it yourself? If so, then having your service technician attend one of our hands-on training sessions is a must. It’s important for them to stay up to date, so they can easily make any inspection or repair on the spot at your site.

Learning is an ongoing process and often technicians will learn best in a controlled lab environment with expert instructors and the opportunity to ask questions. Technicians have the opportunity to learn directly on products and take that information back to your organization.

We have compiled the top reasons why your service technician should attend training.

1. New ideas are continually integrated into the latest crane designs and related controls.

Cranes, like most products, are constantly evolving. This means the crane that your technician initially learned on may not be the one they are working on today. With new product designs comes new information to be learned. Expert trainers always have the most current knowledge to share.

2.  Manufacturers know their equipment inside out and provide the best training for it.

No one knows our products better the manufacturer and that’s why they can provide your technician with the best training. Professional trainers have extensive experience with our cranes and hoists and have been trained on them in our factories. Because of this, they are more skilled at showing your technician the proper inspection and repair techniques.

3. Professional trainers are efficient in conveying class content in the least amount of time possible.

Besides knowing the products, trainers know the best possible way to teach your technician within a short amount of time. With experience comes expediency.

4. Skills are practiced in a lab setting optimized for safety, noise and access to equipment.

In the past, on-site training was a challenge. With cranes up in the air, it was difficult, and often dangerous, to get everyone suited up to lead a training. Access to the equipment should be on the ground level. Led by one instructor, your technician has the opportunity to observe and learn at a safe distance.

5. Students learn about available resources and how to apply them.

Your technician likely has questions about different products. In-person interaction allows them to ask questions and have discussions, so they know where to turn the next time they have a question.

The best way to learn something is through hands-on experience with an expert trainer. That’s why if you own one of our cranes and inspect or repair it yourself, it’s a necessity to send your service technician to training. There’s no better way to learn and they will return more knowledgeable to do their job in less time.  

Andy Rasch

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