5 Reasons Why Your Crane Service Technician is Your Best Salesperson

Cranes need regular inspection and maintenance to ensure long-lasting performance. This is why your service technician is your best salesperson. While this might not be obvious at first, let’s walk through the steps from the first moment that person is initially dispatched to make a repair to how they develop into a trusted partner.

It’s inevitable. One of your cranes has a minor problem. Your technician goes to the site to fix the issue. On site, the technician quickly diagnoses the problem and repairs it in a short amount of time, because they are so familiar with the equipment. They become a hero to your customer for the speedy turnaround saving them time and money.

After that first positive interaction, here are the reasons your service technician turns into your best salesperson.

1. Becomes a respected representative of your company and can be an important sales asset.

When you send your service technician on a job for the first time, they should know that they are now the face of your company. With their technical expertise and ability to quickly solve your customer’s problem, they will also become a great resource. By simply walking in the door, they are building loyalty and will likely be asked back for the next job.

2. Witnesses the actual usage during operation and develops an understanding of the application.

After returning multiple times, the service technician gains firsthand experience how your equipment is being used. They can now observe how the crane is used on a regular basis and gain information about what is normal and what is not. Because of this familiarity, they can suggest changes or new products more easily.

3. Measure the wear and tear on parts and can translate that information into recommendations
for improvement.

Now that the service technician is familiar with the equipment usage, they are able to notice when parts need replacing. This observation leads to instructing your customer on which possible replacement parts will be best for them. Having this relationship with the equipment on site makes it easier for them to spot changes and suggest new parts.

4. Has direct contact with the production management and/or maintenance management during a
site visit.

Unlike your salesperson, the service technician has direct contact with management. Traditionally, the dealer might only talk to the purchasing manager, who does not know the product as well as the technician. Now the technician is able to make recommendations based on what they have experienced with the equipment and the direct needs of the customer. It’s inevitable.

5.  Works for you and can report what they see, so you can be proactive about quoting parts and new equipment.

Once your service technician has established a relationship, become a trusted resource and made product recommendations to your customer, they can provide this information back to you. With this vital information, you have a better idea of your customer’s equipment needs and can predict what they will order next and be able to give them quotes quicker.

If your technicians are searching for training, let us connect you with one of our Demag Dealers! Let us know how we can help.

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