Diagnosing error codes and issues on CANBUS controlled Demag cranes and hoists can be a challenge. Many times, diagnosis and remedy of these codes requires a certified crane service technician with Advanced IDAPSY software training. Our authorized network of Demag dealers can be deployed to assist with these situations, sending trained technicians.
There can be a multitude of error codes associated with an issue. I have written many articles and have many YouTube videos that can assist you in situations with commonly occurring fault codes. There are ways to troubleshoot an issue with CANBUS controlled cranes and hoists without software. In this article, I will extend our coverage of numerical error codes to provide a further overview and understanding of the possible fault codes you may encounter.
CANBUS/ IDAPSY Error Code – Lightning Bolt 003
Error codes containing Lightning Bolt 003 indicate a switching sequence issue from the K1 contactor located on the hoist control board. The system is reacting to the sequencing issue by not allowing the mainline contactor in the bridge panel to close so the potential risk of a welded contactor will not run the hoist or two-block. The normal remedy is to replace the ISS module, the smaller modular board found in the upper right corner of the hoist control board.
You may find yourself working on a hoist with a control board with the pre-2007 design. The pre-2007 design has only one serial plug in the lower right corner. The solution for the Lightning Bolt 003 error code for the early board is to purchase a new modular control board with the ISS module pre-assembled. Then in the future, only the ISS module can be replaced.
CANBUS/ IDAPSY Error Code – Lightning Bolt 006
Error codes containing lightning bolt 006 indicate severe brake run-on, so severe the hoist brake is presumed to be inefficient. Commonly the error code comes up when brake adjustments are ignored. If ignored, too many pulses are counted by the internal encoder after the brake reads that it closed as the shaft keeps turning too many RPM. Since the lack of a holding brake is serious, the 006 appears and high speed is disabled.
To troubleshoot and clear the fault, the associated brake parameter must be checked and a brake adjustment must be made. A service reset using IDAPSY software is required to clear the fault. If there is no IDAPSY trained technician available, a new replacement chip must be ordered. Never install the new chip without first completing a proper brake adjustment.
CANBUS/ IDAPSY Error Code – Lightning Bolt 010
The 010 fault in Demag CANBUS cranes and hoists indicates an error has been detected by the processor. This error indicates the overload device reading does not match the programming. Parameters reside on the eeprom chip. This error code is commonly reported immediately after a board changeout where a technician has completed this changeout on multiple hoists or cranes at the same time in a facility.
If an eeprom chip is accidently replaced in a different board, the parameters may not match with the hoist configuration and model, triggering the 010 error code. The best practice as a service technician is to tag the eeprom chips as they are removed so you can ensure sure they are reinstalled in the hoist they came ofrom. It is best to use the serial number of the hoist found on the hoist data tag.
CANBUS/ IDAPSY Error Code – Lightning Bolt 029 and 030
Just as the K1 triggers error codes 003 for a sequencing issue, the speed and direction relays may also trigger a sequencing fault. Faults 029 and 030 are triggered when there is an issue with the switching sequence for hoist direction and speed relays, known as K2 and K3. The K2 and K3 are integral parts of the ISS module on the post-2007 control boards.
On pre-2007 main boards, K2 and K3 are integrated into the main board. First determine which control board you are working on, the pre-2007 or post-2007 design. The pre-2007 design, with one serial plug in the lower right corner, requires you to replace the complete board since the ISS module is not modular. The board replacement will have the post-2007 modular design. The post-2007 modular board has two plugs in the lower right corner and allows the ISS module to be replaced.
CANBUS/ IDAPSY Error Code – Lightning Bolt 045
When a 045 error code is displayed, there is a discrepancy in the hoist limit switch sequence. An example of this fault is the S1 emergency limit being opened before the slowdown S2 limit. This fault is commonly reported after a wire rope change when the limit switches have been manipulated and the S4 lowering limit opens before the S3 slowdown limit. The 045 error code was likely caused by turning the S4 adjuster the wrong direction and the limit position was incorrectly set to occur before the slowdown limit.
On the face of the SGG limit switch, there is a graphic representation showing clockwise turns of an adjuster screw moving the limit position upwards. If you are working on a DR20, the limit switch is orientated to turn in the opposite direction. Newer limit switches have a second graphic for the DR20 application printed on the face.
CANBUS/ IDAPSY Error Code – Lightning Bolt 026, 050, 052, 066, 090, 092
Known as the error code stack-up, this long list of codes appears if a new board is installed and the Limit Switch jumpers are not moved over from the old board to the new board. All CANBUS systems in the USA have default parameters that travel limit switches are present. This made the task of adding travel limits easier in the field since no programming change was needed to add the actual switches.
If a system does not have the actual limit switches, jumpers are inserted in the X16 and X48 plugs on the board to simulate the closed switches. If these jumpers are present, they must be transferred to the new board at the time of change out. When working with new hoist boards replacing pre-2007 boards, the replacement boards require the use of adapters so the older jumper plugs can be used. Adapters are provided with the new board.
CANBUS/ IDAPSY Error Code – Lightning Bolt 040 and 052
Since parameters are stored on the eeprom chip, the old chip must be moved to the new board. If you forget this step during a board changeout, error codes 040 and 052 will show up. Always remember to turn power off to the board for removal and reinstallation of the eeprom. Best practice is to turn off the main disconnect at the bridge panel and wait for capacitors to dissipate before manipulating the eeprom chip.
Diagnosing and troubleshooting error codes and faults on CANBUS controlled Demag cranes and hoists can be complex. This article helps you diagnose additional error codes. Error codes with faults 003, 029, and 030 are all related to the K1, K2, and K3 contactors and relays that wear out as cycle life increases. Fault 006 is associated with severe brake run-on. Faults 010, 040, and 052 are related to the eeprom chip. Fault 045 is associated with the limit switch. When you’re called to a job with the error code stack up, you may be dealing with missing jumpers on the control board.
Ideally, you can work with a certified Demag IDAPSY trained technician to troubleshoot and remedy error codes on CANBUS equipment. These advanced technicians have the proper software and training. If you have Demag CANBUS controlled hoists and crane in your facility, contact us to find an IDAPSY trained technician near you.
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